WP Book Machine

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What does this service actually do?
Simple: you supply your Wordpress site's export file and we provide a PDF! Technically, we need the Wordpress eXtended RSS (WXR) file Wordpress uses for backing up your Wordpress site. It's a single file that Wordpress generates for you. You upload that and in return you get a printable PDF including all your posts and images. This is standard Adobe PDF that you see used everywhere. Nothing fancy here. Here's a link to download a sample PDF.

Why can't I change the style or the design?
WP Book Machine isn't a general purpose book design tool. We're here to give you a highly readable archival PDF of your Wordpress site. We've made some design concessions to achieve that goal. But let us know your ideas for how you'd like to see design choices offered, what would work for you? Drop us a line (support@wpbookmachine.com) with your suggestions!

Where are my pictures?
WP Book Machine works best with images that are embedded directly in posts rather than in CSS. For example, some themes have built in support for hero images that are included via CSS. Those are difficult to extract due to the wide variability of how images can be used in CSS. With that said, it's on the road map and hopefully we'll see a solution soon.

Why does my file not work?
WP Book Machine only works with legit Wordpress Export XML files (technically, Wordpress eXtended RSS or WXR). This is the file Wordpress uses for backing up your site. Don't make any modifications to it, leave it as is. We depend on the structure of that file to build your PDF. We'll do some basic file integrity checks just in case. File size can sometimes be a problem. If you're getting errors about the file being too large try exporting a smaller subset of pages and try again. And if you're still having difficulties please reach out to support (support@wpbookmachine.com) and we'll see what we can do.

Have a question not answered here? Please email support (support@wpbookmachine.com) and we'll help!